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The 2nd kb blogger's-nite was held recently on Saturday 15th March. Due to some technical problems PainQler would like to apologize for the delayed posting. Here is the only pics that can be saved & available. Top stories:- PainQler was invited to attend the 2nd kb blogger's nite. An invitation that PainQ can't resist to withdraw. Well not until Bro Azmi call to remind me of the event.The event was a blassstt!!! Upon arrival we were greeted by none other than the man himself SHEIKH BIN KHALID approximately emm 8:30 pm. PainQler was accompanied by fellowship of the ring MQN D200 , Edshal & Ronny P. Get down to the guest list PainQler was then given a no:51.. A sudden thought, what's with the no? pick a spot, check the camera, then fusssihhh start clicking.. Who did PainQ notice ;-0 There's the bling-bling sista, roarra, Alin & kurapak crew was also present, Gembo2, Ucingitam, iskandarworld, ciliqueen - (nice meeting u at last), khalid j.r , safarul, azmi (emm blogging ke bro?) etc..
The event Kick-start with a welcoming speech from Sheikhbinkhalid, A good speech, thou i couldn't remmember what was it all about. But all the bloggers did appreciate the effort put in that night. (Special kali aaah) we were treated to a buffet style eat till u burst mode.. emm Alhamdullilah murah rezeki kita Tuan. PainQler(time org makan, ambik picture lakat) Then i go for the Lamb..(karat2 atu biar basar sikit aahh: i said to the meat person in charge heheh.. demanding) The event was a colorful ceremony, ada karoke ada dancing2, ada mcm2 lah..rugi kamu nada datang sia2 pun..(next time dtg aah). Time mkn, i sit satu meja, caya satu meja with the elite bloggers & photo specialist.. bangga lah PainQler(mcm terror sangat aku ani) but for a Good Cause, PainQ got to meet gembo2( alah memang dh jmpa dari office cuma inda tau ia blogging).Iskandar was cool.. ucingitam the person PainQ wanted to meet, finally paid off(abis bank tarusku) hehek.. got to see him at work..(pro yo). Mdm Rose did manage to hunt me down & finally persuade me to meet ciliqueen(sampat snap their pics) but not the ladies lucky because the pics kabur...hahahk..
The lucky Draw:- At first, PainQler realise Edshal number being call up , then Ronny p , then MQN D200 (capi, aku inda dapat..hehek) But then finally...What a relief !!! My lucky star no was summon up(aaahh... untung2.. hadiah nya adeler...) Worth living For.... if not the guys would tease me for not being lucky..(that's why it's call lucky draw).. Yang tidak dapat diharap bersabar cuba lagi..(sekalinya aah PainQ dapat ..hahak)
Picture taking;- emm, we were invited to snap photo's inside the sheikh palace(lwa rumahnya)..perhiasan rumah cantek2 lh.. PainQler was lucky to snap some photo of the master blogger. Ronny .P - did the interview.. (masukkn rah B.Bulletin sudah?) Some pics below(liat lh toh gelagat durang) I did come across a picture of a man in white using a robe with long beard(siapa kh kedia itu Sheikh?)
PainQler shoots:- look at this majestic picture, i was aiming for the lamp.. look everyone..(eih bila masa pulak ada MQN D200 in the pics?? hehek) MQN pose for PainQler with Majesctic statue like in Milan..(sama kn, cuma the statue naked lah di Milan atu). Below: - Edshal posing romantik nya(aaah bro Edshal, are u trying to pose like duyung?) Emm should discuss that when we meet again.. Bro Edshal have been doing outings with PainQler quite sometimes now & we did gel together in term of photography. Ronny P is more to writing, he's really that good.. Ronny haven't create any blog yet. But perhaps after attending this 2nd blogger's nite, PainQler is pretty sure he's work can be viewed ( as for now unknown). Most of his work can be view on Borneo Bulletin.
The chilled event: - After several picture taking, we were about to head home, but not untill we finished coffee & kuwaci... We chilled with the Master -Sheikh & bro Azmi.. Talked about several issues.. then Sheikh akhirnya Tau siapa PainQler(sebenarnya) hehek.. Sheikh is really a humble person, have a good vision for the kb bloggers nation. His vision is sincere, a real think- tank person. (adalh 2 kami kurapak kn.) That's why he's being nominated & he captured the title of the "BEST SPECIALITY BLOG AWARD 2008" . We kB BLOGGER'S support the effort done by the ARAB-FAMILIES & like he always said : Ahlan Mabruk ---...Till we meet again...
PainQler would like to thank to : Arab-Families & for the invitation. A job well done. PainQler crew have a blasssst time there.. The host was spectacularly awesome..Best.. Nxt time we will be in full force coming. Murah rezeki hendaknya selalu.Blogging sambil bersedekah.Alhamdulillah. SOMETHING WORTH LIVING FOR- CAYA LAH..
Well written chronicles of the 2nd Bloggers' nite ...upset nada gmbar CQ & Rose..boringgggggg :(
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